Andrew H. Fagg

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Brian E. and Sandra O'Brien Presidential Professor
Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science and Technology (IBEST)

Symbiotic Computing Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering
University of Oklahoma


Research Interests

Robotics and Machine Learning

Human-Machine Interaction

Computational Neuroscience

  • Robot reaching, grasping, and manipulation.

  • Interplay of multiple learning systems, including supervised- and reinforcement-style learning algorithms.

  • Robot learning through human interaction.

  • Interactive art.

  • Multi-modal interfaces for the management of cognitive bandwidth.

  • Machine learning techniques for adaptive interface behavior.

  • Mobile virtual/augmented/mixed reality with particular focus on robot interfaces.

  • Wearable computing

  • Brain-machine interfaces.

  • Computational motor control with an emphasis on the cortical mechanisms of looking, reaching, grasping, and manipulation.

  • Computational models of learning in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and neo-cortex.

  • Interaction of muscle, spinal cord, and limb dynamics.

UMass and USC Robots

The UMass Torso

Robot Movies (UMass and USC)

Gallery of Robot Projects (1989-1995)

Robot Movies
(UMass and USC)

Contact Information

andrewhfagg --

School of Computer Science
Devon Energy Hall, Room 150
110 W. Boyd Street
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019-1101

Office: Devon Energy Hall 243
Office Phone: 405-325-8606
Fax: 405-325-4044


Spouse: Professor Amy McGovern

Son: William

Dogs: Arwen, Miri, Daisy

Andrew H. Fagg